Pallete lower toolbar

Pallete lower toolbar

Snap mode

1. Snap mode
Snap, (not to be confused with "object snap") acts like a magnet to force the cursor to set increments of the screen.
Click to enable the snap mode. Snap distance (in meters) can be set in the text field. Click apply to apply the changes.

Grid mode

2. Grid mode
The Grid is a matrix of lines on the screen that can help you visualize things. You can enable or disable the snap and the grid from the down toolbar of the palette.
Click to enable the grid mode. Grid distance (in meters) can be set in the text field. Click apply to apply the changes.

Align axes

3. Align axes
Click to align the XY axis during a drawing action.

OSnap mode

4. OSnap mode
Click to enable/disable the osnap mode. Use also F3 as a shortcut key.

Extension track

5. Extension track
Click to enable/disable the extension track.

Ortho mode

6. Ortho mode
Click to enable/disable the osnap mode. Use also F8 as a shortcut key.